Thursday 28 January 2010

Out Of Signal UpDATE

On Tuesday the 26th of January we finished our filming, which was of the running out of the woods to the final hit and run sequence to end the film, now this has been completed we now focused on the editing, after discussing final points of editing and anything we have missed we are happy with the outcome, and today we showed our film to our media group and they were very pleased with the outcome, yet after watching it again and discussing with the group of ways to make it better some points did come up, mainly on the running over scene, such points as its to slow, or build up of the car speeding towards me so we have taken into consideration and are discussing whether we are going to edit it.

My Horror Poster Research

50 horror movies posters50 horror movies posters50 horror movies posters

Monday 25 January 2010

Out Of Signal Questionaire Result

Our film would appeal to a mass audience as anyone who is interested in the genre horror can watch this. We handed out questionnaires and from these we were able to interpret and analyse the different ideas put forward from an audience. one question we asked was 'What is your favourite genre?' Most of people answered horror but was closely followed by comedy. As we wanted to do this it was good that most people had this as there preffered choice of genre. From the other questions we asked we were able to gain other ideas for weapons and places for locations with the woods being the most favoured place from the questions we asked. Another thing we picked up was that the audience said that they preffered the build up of tension and suspense more than the more bloody approach of just violence and gore.