Thursday 3 December 2009

Out of Signal Shooting Script !

Prologue: Jordan stumbles out of woods and turns around to see headlights coming at him. Flashes into first scene.

Shots used: close up of Jordan on the phone and then turning round, mid shot of car coming.

Scene 1: Matthew and Jordan walking through woods talking about rumors of a killer and finally getting to camp

Shots used: close up of Jordan and Matthew walking through woods, mid shot of us walking thorugh woods, over the shoulder shot,

Scene 2: Camp Is being built, after this it is getting darker and the fire is dying down say matt goes to get some firewood, Leaving Jordan alone……

Shots used: over the shoulder. Close up, mid shot, panning shot

Scene 3: For this scene we see things from the killers point of view and we see Matthew leave the camp.

Shots used: point of view shot

Scene 4: Killer follows Matthew into the woods and grabs his shoulder, a struggle follows and the killer stabs him. Jordan hears the struggle and goes to investigate.

Shots used: Close up, panning, point on view

Scene 5: Jordan comes across Matthew who is bleeding from the neck, and then he dies and Jordan tries to run out of the woods but comes across the killer at a clearing, and he runs away and the killer chases and then stops.

Shots used: close up, point of view

Scene 6: Jordan comes out of the woods and tries to ring his mum but can’t get hold of her. He then hears a car engine turns around and 2 headlights are bearing down on him and he is hit, he sees the killer get out the car and then he is killed

Shots used: close up , mid shot, long shot.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Out Of Signal Draft

There were two best friends called llyod and peter at school, planning to go on a camping trip and the end of term for a weekend. Yet during the week in which they have decided they wanted to go mysterious goings on have been going on with the local farmers animals, there animals have been turning up dead and mawled yet each case if different from the last. So the best friends don’t believe these rumor’s so they decide it will be a fun idea to go camp right in the middle of the misterious goings on. Once they have made tents they decide a make a fire. Lloyd goes one way and Peter goes the other, whilst lloyd is away getting wood he hears mysterious and creepy noises such twigs snapping under footsteps, heavy breathing behind him, he looks but nothing is there, until he jumped upon and in a struggle on the floor, he tried to crawl away in a hurry but the murderer grabs him and pulls him along the floor, Llyod tries to grab the floor but it slips through his fingertips, the murderer sits on his back, and pulls out a knife, Llyod is struggling to break free, the murderer lifts his head up and slashes his neck. The slit wasn't as bad to cut his throat wide open Lloyd stumbles back towards camp, clenching his throat trying to shout for help, Peter hears the crie's and runs towards where he heard them, he see's a figure stumbling in the woods and shouts Lloyd, he reaches Llyod but its too late, he falls to the floor, stone cold dead through blood loss. Peter is so scared he panics and runs to the edge of the woods trying to get help, Peter reaches a tunnel of tree line, and suddenly the murderer is at the end of it clenching a knife, no words just heavy breathing, silence until Peter turns and runs the other way, peter reaches the main road and gets his phone out trying to ring for assistance but he has no reception, suddenly theres a flashlights of  car right in front of him, he is hit to the floor, the door opens and out steps a man, Peter is led on the floor and crawls to the front of the car whilst the mysterious man makes his way to the boot, Peter turns and see the murderer approaching him with a sledgehammer, Peter looks up at the figure, then the murderer lashes out and kills Peter...........

Out Of Signal Location Shots

These Locational shots are ideal for our story line, such as the day we went and took them it was misty and dull, which is just like the misty outlook we want to include in our film, such unique photo's taken here, like the tunnel is very good such as we could include in a panic scene like running through the woods scared, or the murderer at one of the tunnel and someone at the other end in a sign of suspense, or like the closed in tree's in a circle perfect location for are campsite. But these were taken in the day, what we need is some location shots at the begginning of night when the suns going down to create a more horror atmosphere and will benefit because we'll have to use the lighting to our advantage to make it look good.

Monday 16 November 2009

The Woods Horror Short film

This film was entered in a short film competition, and i thought this would be a perfect film ti link into our project. The plot of this is that two boys are biking outside this woods until the boys cycles of and see a zombie in the park until he snaps out of this gaze to a caretaker warning him that the woods are haunted, but as typical teenagers they dont listen and go back to it, until they hear a weird noise in the woods and decide tp investigate, through this scene of the woods there are rapid cuts and zooming in and establishing shot of the woods and a hooded murderer clenching a sledgehammer, what i like about this bit is the rapid zoom in on the murderer i want to include this idea in the film. Then one of the friends find a teddybear covered in blood which gives the plot abit of confusion and suspense of why its there, then the murderer is behind him and overshoulder shot of him stabbing him with pitchfork, i like this scene because we have a similiar story line to this. we shall research more into this short film as its ideal location and how they use it to create horror and suspense yet what i dont like about this film is its in the day, yet ours is in the night so we'll have to link the lighting they have used whilst including the location. to our version of it in the dusk.

Thursday 12 November 2009

The Descent Research

The Plot:

The sportswoman Sarah loses her husband and daughter in a car crash, but she survives. One year later, her friends Beth, Rebecca, Sam and Holly, leaded by Juno, invite her to explore a deep cave in the mountains. When the expedition is about three kilometers underground, a rock collapses and blocks the access tunnel, trapping the group inside the cave. With limited supplies, they try to find a way out, but sooner they face a hunger and savage breed of predators.

The Budget. was 3 500 000 this when comparing to cabin fever is a larger budget by 2 000 000. i have watched this film and to me it does have allot of special effects due to the fact is has creature's in which they have to represent and lighting and sounds and props and possibly location due to a cave would have to be made safe in order for them to film. 

i have chosen to research into cabin fever and the descent because the are both set in the outdoors in the woods and the caves i can use lighting, sounds, editing, plots to help our group progress in making our film, yet i want to look closer into how they use the locations features to build up suspense and horror.


Cabin Fever ! Research

Five friends:Marcy,Bert,Karen,Paul,and Jeff leave the city for a mountain get-way and a renting a cabin in the hills. But after Bert goes shooting for squirrels but instead shoots a hermit with a flesh eating disease,(He got from his dog) begging for Berts help. Bert promise him help but lies and runs back to the cabin. Later that night after getting doped and drunk, the hermit comes to the cabin. But the friends in panic, kill the man. But when the man dies in the reservoir and Karen drinks the water, her skin is oddly being ate away. The friends send her into a shed outside the cabin. But one by one - Not knowing about the dead man in the reservoir - become infected with the disease

Budget: £ 1 500 000 a very small budget like this, means that special effects and posh cars and fancy locations will not be present. i believe this budget was spent on the actors, crew and camera's, props and clothing and minor visual effects and sounding edits to the film. yet with a small budget to this film they really did make a huge gross income, making 33,553,394 in profit when in release in 2003.

this links into our film as we are planning to film in a woods in a holiday just like the plot of cabin fever yet without the disease but replaced with murderer with further research into lighting and music and settings this will help improve idea's in which our group can incorparate into our film to make it even better.

Monday 2 November 2009

Media A2 Production Proposal October 09


Sean Murden
Jordan Davies
Matthew Loft

Current outline of plot and ideas:

There were two best friends called llyod and peter at school, planning to go on a camping trip and the end of term for a weekend. Yet during the week in which they have decided they wanted to go mysterious goings on have been going on with the local farmers animals, there animals have been turning up dead and mawled yet each case if different from the last. So the best friends don’t believe these rumor’s so they decide it will be a fun idea to go camp right in the middle of the misterious goings on. Once they have made tents they decide a make a fire. So they decide to split up and collect fire wood together so Lloyd thinks this is the perfect time to play a practical joke on peter and dresses up and cloaked man with a knife and follows peter into the woods. And with perfect timing jumps on peter and scares him, after the tension has been decreased between them, around the camp fire, peter notices the fire is dying down and decides to get more fire wood, when Lloyd comes out of the tent to find peter isn’t there he laughs and says “ ok jokes over peter “ but there is no reply so after time has gone by Lloyd really starts to worry and goes in search for Peter. After wondering the woods he still cant find Peter so he returns to the camp to find the camp in a mess and the tents are ripped out and the fire is dying down, he shouts Peter where are you?? This isn’t funny now? Come out? Jokes over?. Waits around the camp fire worrying until he hears rustling in the woods, and footprints of breaking sticks underneath foots, so he decides to look with his flashlight equipped, he walks and walks but his light runs out of battery, hits it and flashes on the floor and shines upon and sees the murderer infront of him and he slashes his neck……


Own camera(s) or school’s?

Own Camera

Where will you be filming? Does this involve permissions – whose?

We will be filming in the local woods that we fill will fit in with the story line

How many people and who, including the named above “team”, will be involved e.g. actors?

3 actors
2 actors = Jordan Davies as Peter and Matthew Loft as Lloyd
1 actors = The Murderer
Camera Man = Sean Murdern

Outline your three major expected problems on planning / shooting.

Time to film it when we are all free

Disagreement on the story line at a certain point

Location and Time

Wednesday 23 September 2009

The Premier Inn Beauty

Once upon a time lived a king and queen who ruled over the heavenly lands of... Trowbridge, they had been trying for years and years to have a daughter but some how it never worked, until one day the queen was in a alley where she was confronted by a homeless man who said to her your wish shall be fulfilled, so the homeless man said take these pills and it shall be true, in 5 seconds the queen blacked out until she woke up in a bus shelter.

The homeless people of Trowbridge are seen as magical creatures and a year had passed and the queens dream had come true, a young baby girl has been born, this child was so beautiful the king couldn’t help but to laugh at her. He ordered a huge dominoes pizza order for all his friends and family and neighbours, he even invited the local village idiot who thought he was a fairy hoping that he will care and be kind to his darling daughter. The amazing takeaway feast came to an end, and each of the village idiots presented the child with a poundland gift. One village idiot gave her virtual tennis for Xbox, another gave her lacoste pink, and a third gave her a 5 pound notes and so on literally everything a princess could need.

After the eleven fairies had given her there gifts. A thirteenth village idiot appeared, and she was angry and wanted to show her spite for not have been invited for pizza, without hesitation she called out in a loud voice, “ when she turns fifteen years old, the princess shall put a fork in the socket and fall down dead”. The fairies all turned to each other and they all said “nahhh don’t worry blood your lil princess will not die yet fall asleep for one hundred years “. Yet just to be extra sure the king talked to Gordon Brown and he ordered that every fork and plug socket shall be destroyed so this curse cannot go ahead.

Yet one day the princess was her local premier inn and a few drinks had drunk and she was very drunk and a fork and a plug socket she just couldn’t resist so she dropped into the bed and fell into a deep sleep. Word got out of this sleeping beauty and princes travelled all over the world to look for her in all the B&B’s and premier inn’s but just really couldn’t be bothered to check every room because they’d be there all day. Until one prince found her room upon entry he was shocked, to look upon such a UGLY FACE it was plastered in acne and she had really bad breathe and snored, so he looked around and thought screw that he robbed her wallet and keys her alcohol and left the room.

So in reverse the prince lived happily ever after in his new Peugeot 206 neon pink of Corse, every master card and a load of cash, oh and don’t forget a 1 pound book token and some poundland coupons whilst the princess was left asleep and left with a huge bill of rent at 17,345 pounds for a year and she gradually died. What a shame.