Monday 2 November 2009

Media A2 Production Proposal October 09


Sean Murden
Jordan Davies
Matthew Loft

Current outline of plot and ideas:

There were two best friends called llyod and peter at school, planning to go on a camping trip and the end of term for a weekend. Yet during the week in which they have decided they wanted to go mysterious goings on have been going on with the local farmers animals, there animals have been turning up dead and mawled yet each case if different from the last. So the best friends don’t believe these rumor’s so they decide it will be a fun idea to go camp right in the middle of the misterious goings on. Once they have made tents they decide a make a fire. So they decide to split up and collect fire wood together so Lloyd thinks this is the perfect time to play a practical joke on peter and dresses up and cloaked man with a knife and follows peter into the woods. And with perfect timing jumps on peter and scares him, after the tension has been decreased between them, around the camp fire, peter notices the fire is dying down and decides to get more fire wood, when Lloyd comes out of the tent to find peter isn’t there he laughs and says “ ok jokes over peter “ but there is no reply so after time has gone by Lloyd really starts to worry and goes in search for Peter. After wondering the woods he still cant find Peter so he returns to the camp to find the camp in a mess and the tents are ripped out and the fire is dying down, he shouts Peter where are you?? This isn’t funny now? Come out? Jokes over?. Waits around the camp fire worrying until he hears rustling in the woods, and footprints of breaking sticks underneath foots, so he decides to look with his flashlight equipped, he walks and walks but his light runs out of battery, hits it and flashes on the floor and shines upon and sees the murderer infront of him and he slashes his neck……


Own camera(s) or school’s?

Own Camera

Where will you be filming? Does this involve permissions – whose?

We will be filming in the local woods that we fill will fit in with the story line

How many people and who, including the named above “team”, will be involved e.g. actors?

3 actors
2 actors = Jordan Davies as Peter and Matthew Loft as Lloyd
1 actors = The Murderer
Camera Man = Sean Murdern

Outline your three major expected problems on planning / shooting.

Time to film it when we are all free

Disagreement on the story line at a certain point

Location and Time

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