Thursday 19 November 2009

Out Of Signal Draft

There were two best friends called llyod and peter at school, planning to go on a camping trip and the end of term for a weekend. Yet during the week in which they have decided they wanted to go mysterious goings on have been going on with the local farmers animals, there animals have been turning up dead and mawled yet each case if different from the last. So the best friends don’t believe these rumor’s so they decide it will be a fun idea to go camp right in the middle of the misterious goings on. Once they have made tents they decide a make a fire. Lloyd goes one way and Peter goes the other, whilst lloyd is away getting wood he hears mysterious and creepy noises such twigs snapping under footsteps, heavy breathing behind him, he looks but nothing is there, until he jumped upon and in a struggle on the floor, he tried to crawl away in a hurry but the murderer grabs him and pulls him along the floor, Llyod tries to grab the floor but it slips through his fingertips, the murderer sits on his back, and pulls out a knife, Llyod is struggling to break free, the murderer lifts his head up and slashes his neck. The slit wasn't as bad to cut his throat wide open Lloyd stumbles back towards camp, clenching his throat trying to shout for help, Peter hears the crie's and runs towards where he heard them, he see's a figure stumbling in the woods and shouts Lloyd, he reaches Llyod but its too late, he falls to the floor, stone cold dead through blood loss. Peter is so scared he panics and runs to the edge of the woods trying to get help, Peter reaches a tunnel of tree line, and suddenly the murderer is at the end of it clenching a knife, no words just heavy breathing, silence until Peter turns and runs the other way, peter reaches the main road and gets his phone out trying to ring for assistance but he has no reception, suddenly theres a flashlights of  car right in front of him, he is hit to the floor, the door opens and out steps a man, Peter is led on the floor and crawls to the front of the car whilst the mysterious man makes his way to the boot, Peter turns and see the murderer approaching him with a sledgehammer, Peter looks up at the figure, then the murderer lashes out and kills Peter...........

1 comment:

Jon Hobson said...

Plenty happening in this Jordan. Who are your target audience?What sort of a rating would it have? How much are you going to try and show rather than suggest in the film - you haven't got access to much special effect expertise! Remember - bad thrillers just look funny and you don't want to make things too hard for actors. Tension comes from expecting more than actually seeing events. I still need to see shooting script which will make you plans clearer. Good luck.