Friday 19 March 2010

Production of Poster And Film Review...

Here i have printscreened to show you my production of the wrk, the review was made on a double page spread on Microsoft word and the film poster was on the latest adobe photoshop. All the techniques and styles used in the making on these will be mentioned in my final evaluation.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Out Of Signal Audience Feedback

After handing out our questionnaires were able to discover what our target audience really thought about our film. They were all generally postive towards our film however many of them said that at the end the car is going to slow. As the majority said this we will assess this issue to see if we can change our ending to make it more fluent and believable. However they said the ending was unexpected and sudden and generally created a few laughs as he is run over.

Everyone who took our questionnaire said they liked the film. the film scored an average of 8.4 on the first question, a result we are very happy with and to get this response from the audience was also excellent. However a weak point in the film you could say was the acting, scoring an average of 6.2 and this is an issua because as our film is a thriller/horror film i think that facial expression and how the character reacts creates alot of suspense. Alot of people liked the chase, in which the killer chases Peter down through the woods. They liked the rapid cutting which helped the scene have fast paced action and along with the sound effects also builds up alot of tension and leaves the viewer thinking about what is going to happen. The strongest point of film was scored in the editing department with every score bar one scoring 10, comments also said that because the editing was so good the film seemed to run fluently and helps brandish out those few mistakes we made during the acting and other various things. We as a group also decided that this was our strongest point and the quick cuts mixed with the dramatic music and sound effects we were able to build up even more suspense and this is very important for our genre of our film otherwise it would be dull and boring to watch. the music and sound effects also scored highly as comments said that it fitted perfectly with our film.

From our audience feedback we gained a good insight into what can be improved on our film such as the ending and acting, however there are many strongpoints which we are pleased with.

The Final Article

Here we have my final article, Printsreeened this. This is based on my preliminary plan of my poster, all my idea's stayed the same, i chose not to change anything, accept how i wanted to do the title, i thought id make it blend in mre blood in the title, to make it stand out more. and link in more with the genre HORROR!

Thursday 11 March 2010

Youtube Update

Today at 8.08 am our video had an honour. we were 88 in the comedy channel today .for a video for a a level this is a great success. we can learn from this. because the video is obvioulsy attracting a wide audience to our channel. Maybe we can go further up the charts. But to get more views we need to go further. like with the last one. we will post it up on stumbleupon and Digg it to see what views we can gain from that.
Current views. 319 on out of signal.. for some reason the views has frozen on this one.
then our new video Out of signal bloopers. 206 in 9 hours. and still rising.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Preliminary Poster and Article...

Here is my preliminary article and film poster in which i will go on and make. Annotations state what the images represent what i plan to do with them. From looking at this and reading the annotations you get a basic image of what they will look like, now i just have to go make them.

Out of Signal Bloopers

Bloopers Bloopers! This is a funny video of our outtakes. Just abit of fun for our viewers.. So watch and have a laugh just like we did when we made it :)

Out Of Signal Final Font

I decided to make this the films font because it suits it perfectly. I found it online and it has stuck ever since. I have been using this font in all the parts of the project to link it all together (poster, article, film titles etc.).

There were a couple of others that were posibilities but this one stood out the most:

Out Of Signal Camera Script

This is a script of the camera work involved in the making of our film. From scene to scene.

Scene 1: The news report, this is a midshot, yet with the character positioned in the bottom right so that the empty space above can be filled with images for the news story. The only shot used, its stationary to make it realistic to the audience.

Scene 2:Entrance of the woods. This starts with a establishing long shot of the woods, then a slow pan of the woods going further into the distance, to a mid shot of the woods with again a pan of the woods until it meets the characters, then dialogue comes in and its a mid shot with characters central of the camera shot, this isnt stationary its a tracking shot as the camera follows the conversation. To a stationary long shot of the boys walking deeper into the woods.

Scene 3: Into the Woods they go, this is a low angle shot of the boys as they walk across the bridge this stays stationary until a slow panning across the woods to the murderer on the river bank. This then cuts to a point of view, over shoulder shot of the boys walking through the woods through the murderers eyes.

Scene 4: Camp Camp, Low angle stationary shot showing the boys footprints through the woods, to be followed by the murderer. This then cuts to a longshot of the boys finding camp to them moving closer into a mid shot view. Cuts again to the mid shot of the boys laying down the sleeping bags, and also a low central shot of the bags hitting the floor.This then moves onto a overshoulder point of view long shot of the boys by the riverside to be smoothly cut to a mid shot of the conversation continuing.

Scene 5: Firewood. A tracking mid shot of Estabun walking through the woods, this varies from tracking shots of loft from infront and behind. To a creepy point of view shot of the murderer possibly in pursue of Estabun, Close ups of his face walking through the woods. This then turns into rapid extreme close ups of Estabun with a panning affect moving around him to create scared atomosphere and suspence.

Scene 6: Murder On mind... Mid shot of Estabun being attacked by murderr to a quick cut to a low mid shot of Peter reacting to sounds, quick cuts of peter running through the woods, various shots used. stationary mid shot of Peter runing towards the camera, to peter running past the camera, yet at the same time the murder shots are taking place, low angle shots of Estabun being pushed to the ground, cuts and cuts to the a mid shot of the murderer killing Estabun, this involves a quick close up of the rock in the hand.

Scene 7.. Found you.. Body on the floor, with a low angle extreme close up of the blood and rock from Estabun head. To a point of view high angle shot from Peters eyes of Estabun lying their dead. to a cut to a low angle shot of blood on the hands, to a tracking high angle shot of Peter trying to get a signal, to slow moving up of the arm to focus on the phone.

Scene 8.. Run for your life..! Mid shot of Peter runing towards the camera scared whilst he's focusing on the blood on his hands,long shot through to a stationary mid shot of peter coming face to face with the murderer but then cut to a point of view of peter running towards the murderer. Tracking shot of Peter running away from the murderer, from mid shots to close ups of peter running. Extreme long shot of Peter runing away from the woods, to another long shot of Peter running towards the camera, to a moving mid shot. Then cut again to low angle running shot of Peter runing past the camera. To a cut of the long shot of the kill taking place to a low angle shot of Peter dead on the floor.

!!! The End !!!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Out of Signal Production / behind the scenes pictures...

For my article for out of signal i will base it on " behind the scenes " so looking at the making of the film, bits about the characters, how it all came together, brief overview of the production of out film. i will use images such as these to help the reader as well as including screen shots from the video itself and edits to make it more appealing to the reader....

These images above are from the car crash scene.. showing the view from camera man filming to me hitting the car sideways, these shots will help the viewer understand how we are making this film, the processes of how we done it.

Teamwork shots are great in magazines, took this shot to show a kind of professional side to making this video, where actors are looking over whats been filmed as a group and discussing how we can improve certain scenes in the film..

Photo's such as running through the woods, show a great view on how it was done, how the camera man was positioned to get the best shots available at the time... shows how the use of location we are in helps the filming iteslf...

Production of dummy runs of how the murders would take place, would it look okai on the camera.. still shots are a great way in which we can test how it would look on the camera as well as dummy runs on the camera to see if it looks good or doesnt look serious to capture the perfect murder...

I plan to use these images in my article yet not like this i plan to use photoshop to edit these to make them more appealing to the audience and mmake more contact with the viewer.. and i want the meaning of the picture to be clear.. next step from now would be to research into layouts of pages of magazines... and editing images and finding the correct layout for the double page spread.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Out Of Signal Youtube Audience Review

This post is over the mass audience our A level video has been viewed by...
Through Youtube and other video based sites. The aim of this post is to show you our progress of our views and how far and succesful our video has been over the world as well as in the UK.

We have a total of 319 views... since january 31st. 
From the graph below you can see how popular the video is on Youtube, through how the line has increased and is still increasing but at a slow rate.

This our view stats on Youtube the letter represent.
  • A - First referral From Twitter.Com .. From this someone has linked us to so not only can this be viewed on Youtube our audiences has increased by adding views from Twitter. Its not many yet 5 people have viewed us on twitter
  • B - B Through to F are where people have typed in tags to find out film, such as * out of signal * Short Film * short horror film such tags as these our video has been searched and found on. From youtube we have accumulated 53 views from Youtube searches.
  • G -  These are views that have been accumulated from the team, through Jordan's and Matthew's And Sean's facebook accounts where we have posted a link on our page and the video posted on there to for facebook friends to look at, yet we have got 121 views from this.
  • H - This is other viral, where our video has been linked to, such as twitter, Digg it , stumble upon and bebo, from this we have got 50 views so by people extending our video to other sites were getting even more views. 
  • I - This is from our official youtube account where 12 views have come from. Not many but its still being viewed.
  • J - This is where people have even viewed this on there phones, possibly through word of mouth that this video is around.
This video has been on youtube for 1 month now... We have 6 comments mainly from other friends video accounts commenting on our video congratulating us.. Its been favourited 5 times.. we have got 12 ratings with a average of 4.08 yet other sites it is on it could be higher.. also our diggs we have some Diggs through the site where people have viewed it and liked it, stumble upon i am not sure about it its very hard to look for. 

By this map here it showed here this is to represent how far our video has gone through the colour scheme here.. White means no views, light green means a small amount of views, dark green means allot of views the video is popular in that region.

Our video has been viewed all over Great Britain because its Dark green meaning allot of views. Somehow the video has gone all the way to Scotland. Yet an even better achievement for our video is it has gone further than we hoped to go, it has been viewed in Alaska, America,Europe:  Sweden, Finland, Germany, France, Poland, Austria, Italy. Even further Saudi Arabia , India, Myanmar and finally the Phillipines and Japan and New Zealand. Our video has gone literally all around the world. Further then we ever hoped it would go.

Monday 1 March 2010

Out of Signal Filming Script

Film Script

Scene 1: (newsreader in studio)

Newsreader: In other news, there have been reports of a brutal attack resulting in the murder of a homeless man in the town of Chippenham. It has been said to happen around the area of a local woodland outside of a housing estate. No identification was found on the body.

Police are investigating the matter, but have announced it as being a suicide. But the multiple bruising and cuts seen by the teenagers who found the body state...

Scene 2: (Esteban and Peter walking towards wood)

Esteban: You excited about this camping trip?

Peter: Yea, we have been planning it for ages, you excited?

Esteban: Yea man, what stuff do you reckon we will need?

Peter: Errrr, firewood, sleeping bags

Esteban: Well we got our sleeping bags (pause) should be good, but i don’t reckon those stories are true.

Peter: Obviously a tramp or something

(walk into distance)

Scene 3: (Esteban and Peter walking through woods mostly quiet)

Peter: Esteban, I hear this murderer slits throats

Scene 4: (finds a camping spot)

Peter: This looks like a good place

Esteban: As good as any

Peter: Better get some firewood

Esteban: What else do we need?

(later on)

Esteban: Bet you can’t hit there

Both: ooooooohhhh!!!

Esteban: Alright, I am going to get some firewood

Peter: Ok, see you soon mate

Esteban: Yea, cya

Scene 5: (murder scene)

(Esteban screams)

Peter: (shouting) Esteban?

(Esteban struggling)

Peter: (after he finds Estebans body, pulls out his phone)ugh, no signal!

Thursday 4 February 2010

Out Of Signal On Youtube

This is not the finished film, this is the film at the moment! we still have corrections to add in.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Out Of Signal UpDATE

On Tuesday the 26th of January we finished our filming, which was of the running out of the woods to the final hit and run sequence to end the film, now this has been completed we now focused on the editing, after discussing final points of editing and anything we have missed we are happy with the outcome, and today we showed our film to our media group and they were very pleased with the outcome, yet after watching it again and discussing with the group of ways to make it better some points did come up, mainly on the running over scene, such points as its to slow, or build up of the car speeding towards me so we have taken into consideration and are discussing whether we are going to edit it.

My Horror Poster Research

50 horror movies posters50 horror movies posters50 horror movies posters

Monday 25 January 2010

Out Of Signal Questionaire Result

Our film would appeal to a mass audience as anyone who is interested in the genre horror can watch this. We handed out questionnaires and from these we were able to interpret and analyse the different ideas put forward from an audience. one question we asked was 'What is your favourite genre?' Most of people answered horror but was closely followed by comedy. As we wanted to do this it was good that most people had this as there preffered choice of genre. From the other questions we asked we were able to gain other ideas for weapons and places for locations with the woods being the most favoured place from the questions we asked. Another thing we picked up was that the audience said that they preffered the build up of tension and suspense more than the more bloody approach of just violence and gore.