Monday 1 March 2010

Out of Signal Filming Script

Film Script

Scene 1: (newsreader in studio)

Newsreader: In other news, there have been reports of a brutal attack resulting in the murder of a homeless man in the town of Chippenham. It has been said to happen around the area of a local woodland outside of a housing estate. No identification was found on the body.

Police are investigating the matter, but have announced it as being a suicide. But the multiple bruising and cuts seen by the teenagers who found the body state...

Scene 2: (Esteban and Peter walking towards wood)

Esteban: You excited about this camping trip?

Peter: Yea, we have been planning it for ages, you excited?

Esteban: Yea man, what stuff do you reckon we will need?

Peter: Errrr, firewood, sleeping bags

Esteban: Well we got our sleeping bags (pause) should be good, but i don’t reckon those stories are true.

Peter: Obviously a tramp or something

(walk into distance)

Scene 3: (Esteban and Peter walking through woods mostly quiet)

Peter: Esteban, I hear this murderer slits throats

Scene 4: (finds a camping spot)

Peter: This looks like a good place

Esteban: As good as any

Peter: Better get some firewood

Esteban: What else do we need?

(later on)

Esteban: Bet you can’t hit there

Both: ooooooohhhh!!!

Esteban: Alright, I am going to get some firewood

Peter: Ok, see you soon mate

Esteban: Yea, cya

Scene 5: (murder scene)

(Esteban screams)

Peter: (shouting) Esteban?

(Esteban struggling)

Peter: (after he finds Estebans body, pulls out his phone)ugh, no signal!

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