Wednesday 10 March 2010

Out Of Signal Camera Script

This is a script of the camera work involved in the making of our film. From scene to scene.

Scene 1: The news report, this is a midshot, yet with the character positioned in the bottom right so that the empty space above can be filled with images for the news story. The only shot used, its stationary to make it realistic to the audience.

Scene 2:Entrance of the woods. This starts with a establishing long shot of the woods, then a slow pan of the woods going further into the distance, to a mid shot of the woods with again a pan of the woods until it meets the characters, then dialogue comes in and its a mid shot with characters central of the camera shot, this isnt stationary its a tracking shot as the camera follows the conversation. To a stationary long shot of the boys walking deeper into the woods.

Scene 3: Into the Woods they go, this is a low angle shot of the boys as they walk across the bridge this stays stationary until a slow panning across the woods to the murderer on the river bank. This then cuts to a point of view, over shoulder shot of the boys walking through the woods through the murderers eyes.

Scene 4: Camp Camp, Low angle stationary shot showing the boys footprints through the woods, to be followed by the murderer. This then cuts to a longshot of the boys finding camp to them moving closer into a mid shot view. Cuts again to the mid shot of the boys laying down the sleeping bags, and also a low central shot of the bags hitting the floor.This then moves onto a overshoulder point of view long shot of the boys by the riverside to be smoothly cut to a mid shot of the conversation continuing.

Scene 5: Firewood. A tracking mid shot of Estabun walking through the woods, this varies from tracking shots of loft from infront and behind. To a creepy point of view shot of the murderer possibly in pursue of Estabun, Close ups of his face walking through the woods. This then turns into rapid extreme close ups of Estabun with a panning affect moving around him to create scared atomosphere and suspence.

Scene 6: Murder On mind... Mid shot of Estabun being attacked by murderr to a quick cut to a low mid shot of Peter reacting to sounds, quick cuts of peter running through the woods, various shots used. stationary mid shot of Peter runing towards the camera, to peter running past the camera, yet at the same time the murder shots are taking place, low angle shots of Estabun being pushed to the ground, cuts and cuts to the a mid shot of the murderer killing Estabun, this involves a quick close up of the rock in the hand.

Scene 7.. Found you.. Body on the floor, with a low angle extreme close up of the blood and rock from Estabun head. To a point of view high angle shot from Peters eyes of Estabun lying their dead. to a cut to a low angle shot of blood on the hands, to a tracking high angle shot of Peter trying to get a signal, to slow moving up of the arm to focus on the phone.

Scene 8.. Run for your life..! Mid shot of Peter runing towards the camera scared whilst he's focusing on the blood on his hands,long shot through to a stationary mid shot of peter coming face to face with the murderer but then cut to a point of view of peter running towards the murderer. Tracking shot of Peter running away from the murderer, from mid shots to close ups of peter running. Extreme long shot of Peter runing away from the woods, to another long shot of Peter running towards the camera, to a moving mid shot. Then cut again to low angle running shot of Peter runing past the camera. To a cut of the long shot of the kill taking place to a low angle shot of Peter dead on the floor.

!!! The End !!!

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