Thursday 4 March 2010

Out Of Signal Youtube Audience Review

This post is over the mass audience our A level video has been viewed by...
Through Youtube and other video based sites. The aim of this post is to show you our progress of our views and how far and succesful our video has been over the world as well as in the UK.

We have a total of 319 views... since january 31st. 
From the graph below you can see how popular the video is on Youtube, through how the line has increased and is still increasing but at a slow rate.

This our view stats on Youtube the letter represent.
  • A - First referral From Twitter.Com .. From this someone has linked us to so not only can this be viewed on Youtube our audiences has increased by adding views from Twitter. Its not many yet 5 people have viewed us on twitter
  • B - B Through to F are where people have typed in tags to find out film, such as * out of signal * Short Film * short horror film such tags as these our video has been searched and found on. From youtube we have accumulated 53 views from Youtube searches.
  • G -  These are views that have been accumulated from the team, through Jordan's and Matthew's And Sean's facebook accounts where we have posted a link on our page and the video posted on there to for facebook friends to look at, yet we have got 121 views from this.
  • H - This is other viral, where our video has been linked to, such as twitter, Digg it , stumble upon and bebo, from this we have got 50 views so by people extending our video to other sites were getting even more views. 
  • I - This is from our official youtube account where 12 views have come from. Not many but its still being viewed.
  • J - This is where people have even viewed this on there phones, possibly through word of mouth that this video is around.
This video has been on youtube for 1 month now... We have 6 comments mainly from other friends video accounts commenting on our video congratulating us.. Its been favourited 5 times.. we have got 12 ratings with a average of 4.08 yet other sites it is on it could be higher.. also our diggs we have some Diggs through the site where people have viewed it and liked it, stumble upon i am not sure about it its very hard to look for. 

By this map here it showed here this is to represent how far our video has gone through the colour scheme here.. White means no views, light green means a small amount of views, dark green means allot of views the video is popular in that region.

Our video has been viewed all over Great Britain because its Dark green meaning allot of views. Somehow the video has gone all the way to Scotland. Yet an even better achievement for our video is it has gone further than we hoped to go, it has been viewed in Alaska, America,Europe:  Sweden, Finland, Germany, France, Poland, Austria, Italy. Even further Saudi Arabia , India, Myanmar and finally the Phillipines and Japan and New Zealand. Our video has gone literally all around the world. Further then we ever hoped it would go.

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